Legacy Stepper Motors: Series 1000
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Series 1000




Stepper Motor Specifications

Motor LMS-1300 (7 1/2° Step-1.90 Dia.)
LMS-1600 (15° STep-1.90 Dia.)
Type Permanent magnet 4ø unipolar, 2ø bipolar
Rotation Bi-directional
Voltage 12 or 24 volts D.C.
Step angle 7 1/2°or 15°
Excitation Unipolar or bipolar
No-Load Response 200 to 300 P.P.S.
Static torque 8 oz. in.
Detent torque 1 1/2 oz. in.
Rotor inertia 29 GCM²
Bearing system Porous bronze bearing
Over-temp protection Impedance protected
Weight 5 3/4 oz.
Synchronous Motor Specifications
Motor LMO-1300 (300 R.P.M.)
LMO-1600 (600 R.P.M.)
Type Permanent capacitor or 2 phase
Construction 12 or 24 pole permanent magnet rotor
Voltage 6 to 240 VAC
Speed 300 or 600 R.P.M. @ 60 Hz
250 or 500 R.P.M. @ 50 Hz
Torque Pull-out torque to 8 inch ounces
Rotation Reversible
Power input 10 watts typical @ 120 VAC
(continuous duty)
Power factor Approximately unity
Over-temp. protection Impedance protected
Insulation system 105°C system
Bearing system Permanently lubricated porous bronze bearing
Weight 5 3/4 oz.
  8 1/2 oz.